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Training for better

At Womentors, we believe providing the right training is a key to talent retention as an essential part of sustainable business. We are devoted to develop the top training program that fit for the increasing need of your talented staff members.


2030 SDGs Game

The 2030 SDGs Game is a multiplayer, in-person, card-based game that simulates taking the “real world” into the year 2030. Designed in Japan by
Imacocollabo company in 2016, this experience has become a powerful and impactful social phenomenon in Japan, earning extensive media coverage and reaching over 12,000 participants by 2019.


Hack you Box for a Sustainable Life 

Hack your Box for a Sustainable Life is an interactive learning experience, in person or online, that brings together participants in a fun and through provoking forum to discuss, reflect, explore, challenge, ideate and change thinking and behaviors around what sustainability means and the role of each of us play.


Hack your Box for Inclusion

Inclusion is no longer a concept relegate to HR training or to a DEI committee. It is a core competency for every one of us in every context, be it professional or personal.  We will explore some of the key nuances of inclusion through a pair of sessions designed to open your mind, enhance empathy and generate positive change.


50 Ways to Fight Bias

50 Ways to Fight Bias is a training program to empower all employees to identify and challenge bias head on.   The cards highlight almost 100 instances of workplace bias, including the compounding biases women experience because of their race, sexual orientation, disability, or other aspects of their identity

Customizing to fit your needs

Training and workshops can be customized and designed to meet the unique needs of each organization.   We are ready to bring the special learning experience can help you build a better workplace.  

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©2024 by WOMENTORS. 
Womentors is a licensed employment agency.  EA License No: 67683

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