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Design your Next Chapter




8 weeks

About the Course

We are delighted to announce the launch of our Womentors & partnership programme designed for mid-career women.

Are you a woman who...

- feels stuck on how to create your next chapter in career and life? - feels dis-connected from your career and what you have achieved? - has taken a career break and is not sure how to move forward with your career action plan?

- is starting a business or project and needs a road map to take your idea forward?

"Participating in this workshop enabled me to re-energise my career plan, but more importantly, I left with a clear set of actions to move my plan onto the next stages". Gaynor, Marketing Professional.

Programme approach & content:

This unique programme of Career Coaching & Design Thinking experiences and techniques will enable you to move through from feeling stuck or disconnected from your past or current career, to a place where you will have a clear time-lined action plan to take you forward into your next work-life chapter.

We will engage with issues such as: balance, time management, creating structure, micro-ambitions, networking tips, knowing how to tell your story and strategies for dealing with current challenges. You will finish the programme with a clear sense of career direction and your personal blueprint for action.


Designed to facilitate peer engagement and specialised private coaching.

- 4 group modules (3 hrs per module)

- 5/1:1 calls (30 mins/scheduled on booking)

Duration - February - April 2023

Module dates:

February 25 - We will focus on reconnecting with past achievements and understanding your career story to date.

March 11 - We will be digging deep into your current chapter of career & life - understanding what is happening in the here and now.

March 25 - We will work alongside you to create a vision for your future career and life design.

April 18 - We will focus on creating a time-lined action plan enabling you to take practical steps forward towards your new career design.

Networking events: In addition, Womentors will be hosting two networking events to supplement the programme.

Time: 9.30 - 12.30 HKT

Mode: Zoom

Language: English



Payment can be done by cheque, FPS, Payme or Credit Card

Please join us for a Clarity Call for additional information:

Book an appointment with us -

Email: |

Whatsapp: 93303 - 0447

Wesbsite: |


Maria Clancy MSc - Founder/ - Licenced Career Coach & Design Thinker

Maja Bogacka-Nir MA - Founder/ - Journalist, Creative and Co-facilitator

Lena Wong CFA - Managing Director/Womentors

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©2024 by WOMENTORS. 
Womentors is a licensed employment agency.  EA License No: 67683

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